Our address is 1528 Stellys Cross Rd.
Click this link to open Google Maps for directions.
Here is some bus route information for people travelling by bus:
We’re proud to be offering The Locker at the Saanich Fair!
What is The Locker?
The Locker is a safe, secure, and free parking service for bicycles, scooters, one-wheels, hoverboards, or whatever micromobility vehicle you use!
How Does it Work?
When you arrive at the Saanich Fair, Locker's friendly staff will take your bike and give you an identification tag.
They will then watch over your bike during the event, and when you return, they’ll exchange your tag for your bike/transpo! Easy-Peasy!
Leave the car at home and bike to the Saanich Fair! Learn more at CapitalBike.ca/TheLocker
The Saanich Fairgrounds are looking for volunteers to help with the Peninsula's biggest event of the year, the Saanich Fair! If you or anyone you know is interested in an exciting opportunity to serve your local community, please contact us at officeadmin@saanichfair.ca.